
 Beate & Peter Lange 

My job became my hobby
Peter has been a professional photographer for 30 years and, about 10 years ago, he discovered underwater photography and his job
became his hobby.
Is it possible to be involved in underwater photography all year round without a break? Actually "yes" because, photography under water is very different. A lot of relearning has to take place and you can switch off. Also his wife and son dive with him. You don't have to drag your equipment around, they are weightless as you float from one shot to the next. By the way, cameras: It started with a FUJI Quicksnap Flash in a plastic housing and ended with a NIKON RS. Of course he only use FUJI film. Peter works for FUJI in their professional testing department and is constantly testing photographic material from all over the world.

We specialise in doing (above and below water) reports for serious concerns such as owners of live-aboard boats, or diving stations.
We offer them presentation folders and photo CDs that can be used as illustrations or on their websites. We also publish travel reports and photos in Austrian and international magazines and specialist journals.

website: http://www.fotofish.at


Photos by 
Peter Lange:





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